Fuel America Security Team
"FuelAmericaSecurity.com" has established a unique Security Team to prevent theft of fuel in our Depots, at Shopping Centers, and within Homeowner Associations.
In many places, police morale has plunged and retirements and resignations have soared. A June survey of nearly 200 departments by the Police Executive Research Forum (PERF), a nonprofit think tank, shows a startling 45% increase in the retirement rate and a nearly 20% increase in resignations in 2020-21 compared to the previous year.
We are looking for former veterans and police officers to protect our fuel interests and customers
Fuel America Security Emergency Teams
In addition to security protection services, specialty hazrd, fire training programs have been established for Emergency fire protection
Fuel America Security Team
Armed Security Officers Protect Customers, Fuel, Fuel Depots, Drivers
How Many Violent Crimes Where There at Gas Stations This year?
Other violent crimes at gas stations have soared, according to police data. Carjackings have more than quadrupled, with 30 so far this year, up from seven last year. There were none between 2018 and 2020. There have been 69 gunpoint robberies at stations this year, up from 65 for all of last year.
Our Dispatcher is on alert with all our delivery, refueling, and Gas Stations to respond with security support-local law enforcement